The Writing Demons have gotten ahold of me.
This is wonderful and frightening news, because I have been battling severe writer's block for the past few weeks. Oh, I got some words down, but they weren't heartfelt or engaging. When I scrapped the novel I had been working on (Mirror, Mirror) and started the novel I really wanted to write (The Witch's Daughter) by pulling out some old material from a folder on my hard drive, I unleashed a monster.
I spent all of last night writing like a maniac and got 10,000 words out all at once before collapsing into bed for a few hours of fitful sleep. I was busy most of today, but the writing demons haven't left. I'm exhausted. All my body wants to do is sleep, but my brain is still racing with ideas for my new novel. It is fitting in place perfectly with its two predecessors, The Second Sister and Wolf's Eyes.
I suppose I should make an important point about writing or something instead of just rambling about my late night. Remember: Write what you love. Even if you think no one else will like it. Even if you're in the middle of a novel you hate but feel obligated to finish. If it's not working, either change the novel so you fall in love with it again, or write a new one. Holly Lisle, one of my favorite novelists, says that writing is like stripping naked and dancing on the rooftops. I tend to agree with her. You are baring little bits of your intimate soul for anyone who chooses to pick up your book. But it's worth it. It's so totally worth it.
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