Sunday, July 18, 2010


I would like to apologize for the sporadic blog updates. I just had a birthday (no, I won't say how old) and I am currently in the middle of the Adirondack Mountains with limited internet access. It is gorgeous here, and I hope to get a lot of writing done! Hopefully, this will include:

1. The third part of The Witch's Daughter

2. More of Murder, Lies, Statutory Rape, and Madison Rose (AKA Hot Mess)

3. More of Magnetic Resistance

4. Random Alex/Olivia PWPs

I'll update when I can. I <3 you all

FURTHER UPDATE: I have internet in my room at Happy Fun Time Flute Camp, so I can do blog posts with no problem. Yay me! And thanks for the birthday wishes, guys. n__n