Yes – I recently signed a contract with L-book to publish The Second Sister in both E-book, paperback, and audiobook format. I’m so incredibly excited!!!
As of now, it’s a 5-year contract, and hopefully they will be interested in the three other books in the Amendyr series as well. A redirect/link will be posted on this website as soon as the book comes out.
I want to thank all of you for your support throughout my writing career. Getting e-mails in my inbox is the highlight of my day, and they always make me smile. I try to respond to most of them and all of the comments you guys leave. I also want to thank Lee, my awesome Beta reader, and my Mistress, who has encouraged (read: tolerated) my writing from the very beginning even though it drives her slightly insane.
Item of business one: OMG!!!!! *spaz* I am so excited!
Item of business two: new website -
Item of business three: Should I continue to run this site (with much more frequent updates) as a separate entity or combine it with my new website? Tell me in comments.
OMG! That's so exciting! Congratulations! I would high five you (or some cooler equivalent) if I actually knew you! I don't do hugs. I will certainly snatch up a copy of the Second Sister when it hits shelves. Please keep us up to date on this. I need to live vicariously through you a little. Just a little...
Well, after your return, that is certainly excellent news. I still haven't read The Second Sister but I have read a few of your other works and I enjoyed them. As Lauren said: I will snatch up a copy of The Second Sister when it hits shelves.
As to the new website, I've grown used to looking at this one, though I can see why you would want to change your web address to something slightly more professional.
Looking at your new site, it looks like you could combine this one with that one.
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