Just in case you were interested, here is my writing To Do List. I'm mostly posting it here for my benefit, but perhaps some of you will find it interesting. In no fixed order (although priorities are generally near the top)...
- Last chapter of 'Magnetic Resistance' (Law and Order: SVU)
- Finish 'It Happened One Night' (Law and Order: SVU)
- Finish 'Exhibitionist' (Law and Order: SVU)
- Start sequel to 'Magnetic Resistance' (Law and Order: SVU)
///// Half-started ideas /////
- Twilight: The Descent Into Madness (Legally Blonde/L&O:SVU/Twilight crossover)
- By Courier (Devil Wears Prada/L&O: SVU crossover)
- Unnamed Devil Wears Prada fic
- Unnamed Jane Rizzoli/Maura Isles smut (Rizzoli & Isles)
- Unnamed KIGO fic (Kim Possible/Shego... yes, I am a total dork)
Original Fiction:
- The Witch's Daughter (2 more chapters to go...)
- Senator's Daughter (needs a title!)
///// Half-Started Ideas/////
- Lilith's Redemption (new supernatural-themed original fiction novel)
- Murder, Lies, Statutory Rape, and Madison Rose (drama/romance)
///// Other Plans /////
- The two other books in the Chopin universe
- The last book in the Amendyr universe
That list probably makes very little sense to you, but it's good to have goals. Lots of goals. And NaNoWriMo is coming up, so that will be a splendid time to knock out some writing and hit some big word count numbers.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
To-Do List
The Second Sister,
The Witch's Daughter,
to-do list
I know I've asked this before, and maybe you thought I was being rhetorical, maybe I was, but how the hell do you keep all that straight in your head? It's kind of impressive. Particularly now that I'm battling a head cold and can only feel pounding in my head. Also, I'm intrigued by the Twilight thing.
The point is: I don't. I keep a list so I won't forget. =D Otherwise I would have no idea what I was doing because I swing between very meticulous and wildly disorganized at a moment's notice.
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